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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
From a sociological perspective, explanations for Essay Example For Students
From a sociological point of view, clarifications for Essay criminal-ity are found in two levels which are the subculture and the auxiliary clarifications. The sociological clarifications underscore parts of cultural game plans that are outer to the on-screen character and convincing. A sociological clarification is worried about how the structure of a general public or its institutional practices or its persevering social subjects influence the direct of its individuals. Singular contrasts are denied or disregarded, and the clarification of the general aggregate behavoir is looked for in the designing of social courses of action that is viewed as both outside the entertainer and before him (Sampson, 1985). That is, the social examples of intensity or of organizations which are held to be determinative of human activity are moreover seen as having been in presence before a specific on-screen character went ahead the scene. In lay language, sociological clarifications of wrongdoing accuse something social that is before, outer to, also, convincing of a specific individual. Sociological clarifications don't preclude the significance from claiming human inspiration. In any case, they find the wellspring of thought processes outside the individual and in the social atmosphere in which he lives. Political thinkers, sociologists, and athropologists have long seen that a state of public activity is that not everything is permitted. Principles of conduct are both an expert pipe of our living respectively and a prerequisite if public activity is to be systematic. The idea of a culture alludes to the apparent principles of conduct, perceptible in the two words and deeds, that are educated, transmitted from age to age and to some degree sturdy. To call such conduct social doesn't necessar-ily imply that it is refined, yet rather implies that it is refined aquired, developed, and persevering. Social researchers have created the thought of a subculture to portray varieties, inside a general public, upon its social topics. In such conditions, it is expected that some social prescrip-tions are regular to all citizenry, yet that modifica-tions what's more, varieties are noticeable inside the general public. Once more, it is a piece of the meaning of a subculture, as of a culture, that is moderately persevering. Its standards are named a style, as opposed to a design, on the grounds that the previous has some perseverance while the last is transitory. The squabble comes, obviously, when we attempt to gauge how genuine a social example is and how tireless. The guidelines by which conduct is to be guided fluctuate among men and after some time. Its is in this change what's more, assortment that wrongdoing is characterized. An utilization of this guideline to crimin-ology would find that the underlying foundations of the wrongdoing in the way that gatherings have created various measures of suitable conduct and that, in complex societies, every individual is liable to contending remedies for activity. Another subcultural clarification of wrongdoing becomes promptly out of the way that, as we have seen, social classes experience various paces of capture and conviction for genuine offenses. When layers inside a general public are separated by classifications of pay, instruction, and word related distinction, contrasts are found among them in the sum and style of wrongdoing. Further, contrasts are normally found between these social classes in their preferences, interests, and ethics. Its is anything but difficult to depict these class-connected examples as societies. This variant of the subcultural clarification of wrongdoing holds that the very certainty of learning the exercises of the subculture implies that one aquires interests and inclinations that place him in more prominent or lesser danger of violating the law. Others contend that being raised in the lower class implies taking in an alternate culture from that which makes the criminal laws. The lower-class subculture is said to have its own qualities, a considerable lot of which run counter to the dominant part intrigues that help the laws against the genuine ruthless violations. One requirements to take note of that the markers of class are not depictions of class. Advocates of subcultural clarifications of wrongdoing don't characterize a class culture by any variety of the target pointers or rank, for example, yearly pay or long stretches of tutoring. Ascent of the Superpowers (USA and USSR) EssayFrom this hypothetical position, the brutality of the urban hoodlum for instance speaks to only thenatural result of a disappointment in kid childhood. Similarily, on a basic degree of clarification, manysociolo-significances and anthropologists accept that threatening conduct can be learned as effectively as passivebehavior. When taken in, the codes of brutality and eager inclinations of the psyche are their ownpositive qualities. Battling and abhorring then become the two obligations and joys. For promoters of thissociopsychological perspective, it isn't important to respect the brute whose words anddeeds snicker at goodness as having indistinguishable thought processes from increasingly legitimate per-children. It needs noradical vision to concur that the educational systems of Western social orders directly give pooraprenticeship in grown-up hood to numerous youths. A poor apprenticeship for being grown up iscriminogenic. In this sens e, the structure of current nations supports wrongdoing, for thatstructure needs institutional systems for moving individuals easily structure ensured adolescence toautomonmous adulthood. During pre-adulthood, numerous adolescents in wealthy social orders are neither wellguided by their folks nor cheerfully connected by their educators. They are grown-up in body, yet childrenin responsi-bility and in their commitment to other people. Presently positioned in the middle of irresponsibledependence and responsible independance, they are constrained to go to schools that do notthoroughly animate the interests of every one of them and that, in an excessive number of cases, give theuninterested youngster the experience of disappointment and the reflection of denigration (Herrnstein). Instructors are considering cures. This connects with a dilemmaa difficulty of the democraticeducators. They need fairness and uniqueness, destinations that up to this point in history have eludedsocietal engineers. In the mean time, the metro-politan schools of industrialized countries make aprobable, yet quantifiable, commitment to misconduct. A few violations are discerning. In such cases, thecriminal route has all the earmarks of being the more effecient method of fulfilling ones needs. At the point when wrongdoing isregarded as balanced, it very well may be given either an auxiliary or a sociopsychological clarification. Theexplanation is basic when it stresses the conditions that make wrongdoing sane. It becomes asociopsychological clarification when it accentuates the translations of the conditions that makecrime judicious, or when it focuses on the preparation that legitimizes il-legitimate exercises. Nobody emphasisneed be more correctmore use-fulthan another. Lead, legal an d criminal, consistently occurswithin some structure of potential outcomes and is, among typical individuals, advocated by a translation ofthat structure. Both the understanding of and the adjustment to a structure of potential outcomes are largelylearned. It is just for accommodation that we will examine the possibility that wrongdoing might be discerning as one ofthe basic, as opposed to one of the sociopsychological, explantions. The most evident way inwhich a social structure produces wrongdoing is by giving opportunities to bring in cash illegally(Herrnstein). Regardless of whether a structure hoists wants, it creates wrongdoing by bringing needs intothe perspective on circumstances. This sort of clarification doesn't state that individuals carry on criminallybecause they have been denied authentic chances, yet rather it says that individuals overstep the law,particulary those laws concerning the meaning of property, since this is a reasonable activity. the possibility of judicious wrongdoing is as per the presence of mind supposition that a great many people willtake cash on the off chance that they can do as such without punishment. Clearly there are contrasts in character thatraise or lower protection from allurement. These distinctions are the worry of thosesociopsychological explantions that underline the controlling elements of character. However,without taking care of these individual factors, it is remarkable that the normal human proclivity toimprove and keep up status will deliver offenses against property when these inclinations meet theappropriate situa-tion (Ferrington). These circumstances have been concentrated by crimin-ologists in fourmajor settings. There are, first, the numerous circumstances in common life where supplies, administrations andmoney are accessible for robbery. Burglary is across the board in such circumstances. It ranges from bringing whatisnt made certain about in open settings to taking production line devices and store inventories to swindling onexpense records to theft. Second, there are conditions in which authentic workmakes it efficient to violate the criminal law. Third, there are capable crooks, people whohave picked robbery as an occupation and who have make an accomplishment of it. These master hoodlums aresometimes partnered with musclemen or coordinators in a fourth setting of objective violations, thecontext in which wrongdoing turns into a financial endeavor satisfying the requests of a market(Ferrington). Presently explicitly on these specific situations, wrongdoing has been viewed as a favored business. The origination of certain sorts of wrongdoing as sound reactions to structures shows that in thestruggle to remain alive and in the longing to improve ones material condi-tion lie the seeds of manycrimes. some theft, yet more robbery; some squealing, yet all the more boosting; some automobiletheft by adolescents, however more vehicle moves by grown-ups speak to an intentionally received wayof getting by. All composed wrongdoing speaks to such an inclination. The association of largescale robbery receives new advances and new methods of drama tion to stay up with increments inthe abundance of Western countries and changes in safety efforts. Such professional wrongdoing has beenchanging structure make violations to extend wrongdoings including huge ger dangers,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Organizational Reward System illustrated in the movie “Oceans Elevenâ€Â
Authoritative prize framework dependent on close to home force is portrayed and halfway tried. It is an individual based framework that is described by exceptionally esteemed prizes joined with personalistic rules for remuneration conveyance. (Diary of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 15, No. 3). It is high-degree association in light of the fact that there is something given or gotten in make up for commendable behavior.And it is a methodicallly composed information appropriate in a moderately wide assortment of conditions; particularly, an arrangement of supposition; acknowledged standards, and rules of methodology formulated to investigate, anticipate, or in any case clarify the idea of conduct of a predetermined arrangement of wonders. Extraneous (budgetary, material, or social) and natural (self-conceded a, mystic) rewards are the uncommon administrations in the framework. Which are of acceptable state when the exhibitions being followed up on the association immovably centered aro und the collaboration, hazard taking, or when the whole gathering plotted teamwork.Through this, profoundly seen achievement and impetuses is given as installment for the fantastic achievements. A hierarchical will enormously depend on the dreams and recognitions the individuals are detecting. Much the same as Danny Oceans, or Rusty Ryan, or Linus Caldwell, or some other individuals from the â€Å"Oceans Eleven†Gang who’s been not receptive to clashes that ascent but rather so receptive to each chance things could offer as they continue working with their plan. On the film we can see the powers framed by the eleven included casts.The relations they assembled regardless of whether it has been tried by some moral qualities and decisions in the association since they don’t have a place with one culture. They infact accumulated all powers and made one gainful framework. We can expect to this sort of perception on their budgetary, social, or scholarly exertion and i nclusion. Danny Ocean as played by George Clooney is the Leader of the Gang. He plays and coordinates or regulates their efficient strategy. Ex of Tess (Julia Roberts) who’s been seeing Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia), proprietor of the Casino they are looting and who take his ex while he was in New Jersey jail.Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt) is one of the fundamental chiefs who played as an extraordinary rascal and who did a fine demonstration before the group. He needs to change plan when Ocean had demonstrated resentment to Tess’ ebb and flow sweetheart. Both Ocean and Ryan do the clairvoyant/knowledge for the entire activity to work. They do the efficient arranging, investigation on the principles and steps, talk about strategies and disseminate attempts to the remainder of the group. Linus Caldwell (Matt Damon) is another cheat who got by off of pulling off cool methods of pick-stashing the public.Aside of getting data on their objectives (gambling club and the individuals wh o runs it) without getting captured, he’s likewise entrusted to tempt by giving a little ‘love-drug’ (yet not unreasonably destructive, just to entice) to the high astute right hand of Benedict. Honest Catton (Bernie Mac) is an extortionist and was employed as a club dark jack seller during Oceans remain in prison. He clearly has blue-print to the whole gambling club. He’s been seeing its organizations, and Benedict’s moves. Yen (Shaobo Qin) is an aerobatic specialist and who doesn’t talk a lot of English until the end.Since he’s the main among the gathering to so body-bowing easy. His part is to get taken care of, be in the vault wearing a little camera for the remainder of the group to see what’s inside it, where the cash is put, how might they crash on and open systemized keys/drawers. Virgil and Turk Malloy (Casey Affleck and Scott Caan) are other cheats. They’re entrusted to watch, screen, and help burrow openings th rough within. Act energetically however useful. Basher Tarr (Don Cheadle) plays as the entertaining English-emphasized dangerous specialist.He makes explosives to-open-whatever-entryway/corridor/hindrance may go over their way in. Livingston Dell (Eddie Jemison) is the PC/gadgets authority, and who performed shrewd stunts he have to bridge surveillance cameras with the abilities he’s prepared on well. Reuben Tishkoff (Elliot Gould) depicts as the rich person who funds the whole activity. What's more, Saul blossom (Carl Reiner) is an extraordinary scalawag who can play a person in his age, of various culture. Furthermore, the big deal customer on the day the gambling club is to be robbed.At the beginning, they lived on various types of way of life. Do bet circumstances to procure a living. In any case, we can see that their lives were very exceptional from the others. Adapting up American existence with their additional benefits, separated to the compensation they could land f rom lawful position. In this way, the â€Å"Oceans Eleven†is fabricated. Danny Ocean however is the pioneer of the Gang fearless that everybody would get decent amount of the $160 M before the finish of their community burglary to Terry Benedict’s Casino. The equivalent sharing on the prizes is to be both of the two conditions: 1.the cash that they’ve concurred isn't generally that $160M isolated by eleven men since Reuben Tishkoff should get a discount for the cash he has put so the activity will work. 2. the sharing will be $160M separated by eleven of them since Tishkoff do non of the exhibition. He financed group to work and before the finish of the plan, he will get $ 14. 55M pretty much. Also, the remainder of the posse will have same sum as well. Seas Eleven Gang utilized their individual resources in getting in the club unnoticed. Up to the very heart of it-the vault where the $160M measure of cash is stored.They played various attributes, made false na mes (barring Ocean in light of the fact that the individuals of the gambling club knew him of being Tess ex), whish consummately made him as a go for his group to get inside very unchecked by the security. The associations of the eleven distinct characters make up an exceptionally testing and orderly game plan. However, they have their grouped character from one another, nonetheless, it didn't make a gap in centering to their ideal result Instead, it helped a great deal to them to get propelled to play out each one’s ability, job, strategies/smart stunts and all.Because they do cooperation, they got business, likewise the opportunity to learn and regard each one’s culture, created initiative and at the same time set up execution the executives. They experienced meetings during their enrollment period and inspected if everybody can continue and hold the strategies every one will perform. Sneaking off to Benedict’s vault was actually an entertaining activity, trul y unimaginable not to be seen in light of the fact that the whole gambling club is secured and observed with profoundly profiled cameras.The place is well-furnished with heavily clad firearms, fueled lasers. Safety efforts are a lot of requested, excessively close in managing the casino’s Clients. During their genuine activity, however there are little inconveniences and disappointments yet at the same time they have back u[s to help so as to keep on working even without getting laid off. Their craving results are to play out their individual assignment well, to be in the vault, get the cash, and leave before the safeguards notice their existence.Such practices are very viable in winning their objective. Determined their moves/ventures with precision, watched time, examined everyone’s response, controlled the plans and give hands at the hour of burglarizing. The framework has been represented such that all were included from the earliest starting point, received occupa tion with equivalent advantages in return. To include more, the most testing individual force they had been granted from was to adjust each character, diverse culture, caused included to each to other’s individual power.Each one gave various endeavors: manual (physical), money related (material), social capacities, offered knowledge/recognitions, and backing to everyone’s work. This made and profited the group. Manage little issues experienced, having educated even to the scarcest occasions of the arrangement. Therefore, the film exhibited the sort of association that has created/used abilities, confronted those hard difficulties and outperformed them and increased equivalent motivations/repay toward the end.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Research Methodology Example
Research Methodology Example Research Methodology â€" Assignment Example > References: 20IntroductionChoosing the right research methodology largely depends on the results that the research is aimed at accomplishing as opposed to researchers preferred approach to the research (Aaron, 1997). There are two approaches that a researcher can use in conducting research namely qualitative and quantitative research methods. The choice of whether to apply qualitative or quantitative approach to one’s research will largely depend on the nature of the research problem, research design and the kind of data required for the research. However, the guiding principle for the choice of an appropriate approach to a research is that the research method chosen has to support the desired outcomes for the research. As such, the research approach chosen for the current research (the effect of implementing the balanced scorecard on strategic financial performance: an exploratory study of Saudi financial institutions) must assist in the achievement of t he research objectives. Therefore, it is imperative that the research outcomes are achieved and presented with a suitable level of severity (Veale, 2005). The research outcomes must also make a considerable contribution to the appreciation of the positive effect that implementation of balanced scorecard can have on strategic financial performance by business managers. A quantitative research approach has been found suitable for the current research based on the expected research results as well as the literature pertaining to the subject. Furthermore, the approach was found easy to apply owing to the nature of participants expected in the research. In other words, the approach was found to be participants friendly. This paper is aimed at justifying the choice of quantitative research methodology for the current research. In so doing, the paper examines the two research methodologies and explains why a quantitative approach has been found more appropriate than a qualitative approach . Qualitative approachGeneral overviewTraditionally, qualitative research was greatly used in social sciences. However, its use has been diversified to include other disciplines such as marketing in today’s world. In this case, the researcher often aims at acquiring in-depth knowledge of a phenomenon or human behavior including reasons for such behavior (Attewell, 2001). As such, Qualitative research answers the how and why of decision making in addition to where, when and what A distinguishing factor between quantitative and qualitative research is that information gathered in qualitative research is not subjected to formulaic analysis before making deductions. This makes it possible to use small but focused samples unlike in quantitative research where large samples are used. In addition, qualitative approach provides information on the specific case being researched on and any further general conclusions being only informed assertions and as such quantitative methods have to be used in getting empirical support for the research hypothesis. (Attewell, 2001) Qualitative analysis is however considered a good approach to research since it enables one obtain a more realistic feel of the world that can not be experienced in the numerical data and statistical analysis of quantitative research(Browne and Keeley, 1998 ). It also provides flexible ways of data collection, analysis and interpretation and hence gives a holistic view of the phenomenon under research. In addition, the method enables close interaction with the research subjects in their own language and terms. However, the method has been blamed for tendency to depart from the original aims of the research due to the dynamic nature of the context according to Cassell and Symon (1994). It is also possible for one to arrive at different conclusions resulting from the same information depending on the researchers personal; characteristics.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
ABUSE NEGLECT - 1543 Words
PHYSICAL ABUSE- PHYSICAL ABUSE CAN VARY FROM BEING PUSHED AROUND, BRUISED OR BEATEN AND IN SOME CASES CAN BE QUITE SEVERE AND CAN PERMANENTLY AFFECT SOMEONE’S WELLBEING. WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR IF YOU THINK SOMEONE MAY BE BEING PHYSICALLY ABUSED; CHILDREN MAY ACT OUT, DISPLAY AGGRESSIVE OR DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOUR, THEY MAY NOT WELCOME PHYSICAL ACTS SUCH AS A PAT ON THE BACK OR MAY FLINCH WHEN AN ARM IS RAISED. SEXUAL ABUSE- SEXUAL ABUSE IS WHEN A SEXUAL ACT OR ASSAULT HAS HAPPENED TO SOMEONE WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT OR HAS BEEN PRESSURED OR FORCED INTO GIVING THEIR CONSENT. SOME SIGNS TO WATCH FOR; TIMIDNESS, AWKWARD BODY MOVEMENTS, INCONTINENCE. EMOTIONAL/PSYCOLOGICAL ABUSE- EMOTIONAL ABUSE IS WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL HAS BEEN VERBALLY ABUSED†¦show more content†¦Some people who experience harm or abuse from others may be unable to protect themselves as their situation makes them vulnerable. If a person cannot protect themselves they will have to rely on others to alert services that can provide help and support on their behalf. CORRECT ACTIONS TO TAKE IF YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD BY SOMEONE THAT THEY ARE BEING ABUSED: Every staff member has a professional and moral duty to report any witnessed or suspected abuse to their line manager. This information should be referred to Social Services and every reported case must be assessed as a matter of urgency to determine an appropriate course of action. This assessment will take place, either during telephoned consultations with other professionals or during a formal planning meeting. HOW TO ENSURE THAT EVIDENCE OF ABUSE IS KEPT SAFE: Make a written record of messages (e.g. answer-phone) to ensure they are not lost. Include the date and time and sign them Ensure written records (notes, letters, bank statements, medication records etc.) are kept in a safe place Don’t tidy up, wash clothes, bedding or other items. Do not try to clear or tidy anything up Try not to touch anything unless you have to for the immediate wellbeing of the victim – if you have to try to make a record of what you have done If any sexual offence is suspected try to discourage theShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse and Neglect1678 Words  | 7 Pagestopic of child abuse is one of the hardest topics to write about. It is imperative to have a profound understanding of this topic and its consequences specially when working in the field of human services. Professionally and personally, I have encountered situations where child abuse is present. This reality has touched my life in many ways and these experiences continue shaping me as a human being and as social service provider. I will try to cover in this paper the subject of child abuse, its definitionsRead More Child Abuse and Neglect814 Words  | 4 Pages Child Abuse Child abuse and neglect is frightfully high. As a country this is unacceptable. We need to come up with better ways to fight this â€Å"disease†before we destroy our children, our future. An estimated 903,000 children across the country were victims of abuse or neglect in 2001, according to national data released by the Department of Health and Human Services. The statistics indicate that about 12.4 out of every 1,000 children were victims of abuse or neglect, a rate comparable to the previousRead MoreChildren With Child Abuse And Neglect877 Words  | 4 PagesThere are different types of programs that are available for youth and families where child abuse and neglect is apparent. Such programs that are available for young people and non-offending family members are Forensic Interviews, Family Services, Therapy Counseling, and Prevention Education. Other programs are available in different areas for families where youth are showing different types of outcries to help non-offending family members and the child get the help that is needed for several ofRead MoreChild Abuse and Neglect1653 Words  | 7 Pages Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse, or child maltreatment, is an act by a parent or caretaker that results in or allows the child to be subjected to death, physical injury, sexual assault, or emotional harm. Emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse are all different forms of child abuse. Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse and neglect, also leave deep, lastingRead More Child Abuse and Neglect Essay802 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Child Abuse†nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Child abuse is a very serious and controversial issue that is escalating in today’s society. As we look back to the 1940’s and 1950’s, it was almost unheard of to let anyone outsideRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Data System1646 Words  | 7 PagesHow Many children die every year from Child Abuse or Neglect? According to data from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), estimated 1,520 children died from abuse and neglect in 2013. This interprets to an average of four children dying every day from abuse or neglect in the health care system. Neglect is the most common form of child abuse reported in Canada and is often overlooked. People trust the nurses for their care but this does not really happen in real life when nursesRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Of A Child817 Words  | 4 PagesChild Abuse and Neglect The meaning of child abuse is the mistreatment of a child in the form of injury, sexual abuse, neglect or exploitation. The signs of possible child abuse include, but are not limited to sudden behavior change, untreated medical issues, difficulties in school, lack of adult attention, the child makes excuses to stay away from home. Parents can also show signs such as showing little interest in the child, blaming the child for the child’s problems. The parent could ask theRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect At Madison County973 Words  | 4 Pages The goal of our program is to decrease the amount of child abuse and neglect in Madison County, IL. The purpose of our proposal is to obtain funding to expanding the Crisis Nursery to the Madison County, Illinois area. Our program hopes to provide a temporary safe haven for children ages 0-18 and aid in child development. With the expansion of the Crisis Nursery to the Madison county area parents or caregivers who are not able to travel to St. Louis will have accesses to all of the various programsRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Essay917 Words  | 4 Pagesregarding abuse, neglect, and foster homes. Some children in stay in foster homes until they age out at eighteen, others are more lucky and get adopted, most likely because they were young and do not have siblings. Abuse and neglect have also been found in foster homes. Abuse and neglect has been happening in many different places in and out of foster homes. There are many effects of abuse, neglect, and being put in a foster care system can make things worse. There is a difference between abuse andRead MoreElder Self Neglect And Abuse Essay1897 Words  | 8 PagesIssue no. 5 published on August 5 2009 Elder Self-neglect and Abuse and Mortality Risk in a Community-Dwelling Population. The authors: X. Dong, MD, Melissa Simon, MD, Mph, Carols Mendes de Leon, PhD, Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, Todd Beck, MS, Liesi Herbert, ScD, Carmel Dyer, MD, Gregory Paveza PhD, MSW, Denis Evans, MD argue that both elder self-neglect and abuse is becoming more clear in regards to public health concerns, and that elder self-neglect or abuse is linked with mortality and not just on those
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Aristotle’S Philosophy. One Of The Greatest Philosophers,
Aristotle’s Philosophy One of the greatest philosophers, Aristotle, continues to impact our society today. His theories are easily applied to ethical situations in business, and especially in accounting. Philosophy studies ideals of the meaning of life, truth, and knowledges. When in challenging situations ethics influence choices. Ethics are a crucial as we use them daily in all affairs, business and personal. Our ethics direct us to choose the most ethical solutions, even in events there is no one right or wrong answer. In this situation weighing the benefits of the different options and their outcomes assists in choosing the best course of action. Brief History Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was born 384 B.C. in northern Greece. His†¦show more content†¦In other words, in order to be of good moral character one must behave morally in all things. Ethical Practices In the end, Aristotle’s teachings show us the difference between a virtuous and non-virtuous life: A life that is good and right in the eyes of men: A life that is just and fair rather than unjust and greedy. It all boils down to how a person behaves in society determines whether that person is truly happy with the outcome and ultimately how they have lived their lives. For greed is the downfall of many, yet I am almost certain it was never their intent to hurt others but rather how to increase their way of living to the fullest. However, the collateral damage can be felt company wide, as stakeholders lose their investments, employees lose their jobs, and suppliers feel the sting of lost revenue, and money owed them. Ethical Conduct In order to protect the interests of many, ethical conduct should be of the utmost importance. Companies should have a mission statement and policy that set the expectations for both management and personnel alike. Companies must screen and hire ethically sound individuals who can mirror their own goals with the company’s expectations. When companies leave this important step out ofShow MoreRelatedForms and Causes: Philosophies of Aristotle and Plato Essay1129 Words  | 5 PagesAristotle and Plato are two of the most influential philosophers in history. Plato was Socrates’ greatest student and in turn taught Aristotle. In time, Aristotle became Plato’s greatest student. Together Aristotle and Plato, along with Socrates, laid the groundwork for what we now know as Western philosophy and science. Plato, in addition to being a philosopher, wrestled at the Olympic level, is one of the classical Greek authors, mathematicians and the founder of The Academy, the first higherRead MoreAristotle s Contributions Of Western Philosophy1124 Words  | 5 PagesOne of the greatest classical Greek philosophers still known is Aristotle. 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There are hardly any personal details of Aristotle because he lived so long ago. The little details we know are mostly from a Greek Historian named Diogenes Laertius. In his book he said that AristotleRead MoreThe Principles Of Aristotle, Bertrand Russell, And Immanuel Kant1555 Words  | 7 Pagesthrough the study of arguments in natural language. It deals only with propositions that are capable of being true and false. Modern logic descends mainly from the ancient Greek tradition. All three philosophers; Aristotle, Bertrand Russell, and Immanuel Kant theorized the question of what is logic. The greatest and most influential of Platos students was Aristotle, but the works of Aristotle do reflect his teachings from Plato but unlike Plato, Aristotle was concrete and practical. Aristotle definedRead MoreWho is Aristotle?763 Words  | 3 PagesAristotle is remembered as one of the greatest philosophers of all time. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assignment Blood Disorders Free Essays
Running Heading: BLOOD DISORDERS Blood Disorders Athena Hackett Health and Diseases: Understanding Paths and Pathology June 20, 2010 Dr. Natasha Billups In each scenario provided each person is at risk of a specific disorder. The first patient Amy, who is the four year old Caucasian female, in my opinion is at risk for the blood disorder of Iron Deficiency Anemia. We will write a custom essay sample on Assignment: Blood Disorders or any similar topic only for you Order Now Next is person at possible risk of a specific blood disorder is Marcus. Marcus is a five year old African American male with a parent that carries the trait of Sickle Cell Anemia. Therefore, the possible blood disorder he is at risk for is Sickle Cell Anemia. Last is Richard and his possible blood disorder he is at risk for is Thrombocytopenia. Each person has specific symptoms that make them at risk for the blood disorders I mentioned above. Amy is a four year old Caucasian female with symptoms of being tired, pale skin and she is a very picky eater. Most of her foods are starches and processed meats and drinks. Her foods seem to lack the desired amount of iron needed for a growing girl. According to webmd. om â€Å"decreased iron intake is a contributing factor in iron deficiency and the resulting iron deficiency anemia†. Iron deficiency Anemia is one of the more common cases of anemia. It can be controlled or prevented by adding more iron to a person’s diet. Foods that are high or rich in iron are red meats (beef), whole wheat bread, spinach, raisins and eggs. There are lots of other foods that are high in iron as well. If eating foods high in iron is not sufficient then a person can take iron vitamins to help with providing more iron to their diet. With taking iron a person has to be monitored and advised on how much they are able to take. If a person takes too much iron it could be dangerous to their health. There are also side effects with taking iron. One of the most common side effects of Iron Deficiency Anemia is constipation. Some people will have to increase their fiber intake to avoid constipation. The next scenario mentioned was about a five year old African American male named Marcus. Marcus is at risk of having Sickle Cell Anemia because his mother is a carrier of that trait. On the website drkoop. com the definition of sickle cell is â€Å"is an inherited disease in which the red blood cells, normally disc-shaped, become crescent shaped. As a result, they function abnormally and cause small blood clots. These clots give rise to recurrent painful episodes called â€Å"sickle cell pain crises†. †It is a very painful disease and presently there is no cure. The majority of people with this disease is African American and mentioned previously it is inherited. Both parents have to be carriers of the trait for the child to have the disease. Due to the pain and discomfort patients are sometimes hospitalized for long periods of times. It can also be life threatening or there are severe crisis the person has to deal with. There are several types of crises are: Hemolytic crisis (occurs when damaged red blood cells break down); Splenic sequestration crisis (when the spleen enlarges and traps the blood cells); and Aplastic crisis (when an infection causes the bone marrow to stop producing red blood cells). Every patient with Sickle Cell Anemia will go through one or all of these crises at some point in their life. They can last from a few days to weeks or months. They affect the bones in the person’s body and eventually can cause damage to a major organ or several major organs. The last scenario mentioned was in regards to a male named Richard. Some of his symptoms were red spots around his eyes and bruises or ecchymosis all over his body. Based on those symptoms I thought me may be at risk of Thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia is low blood platelet count. According to the mayoclinic. com â€Å"platelets (thrombocytes) are colorless blood cells that play an important role in blood clotting. Platelets stop blood loss by clumping and forming plugs in blood vessel holes†. This particular blood disorder usually starts because of another disorder such as leukemia or an immune system malfunction, or as a medication side effect. One of the good things about his disorder is that it can be reversed if one of the other disorders is treated. In some cases if the disorder is chronic then medication, surgery or blood transfusion will reverse this disorder. There are many different types of blood disorders. From each scenario I was able to determine that some disorders can be treated without medication and just require dietary changes. Mean while others are not curable and are very painful to the person with that disorder. I was also able to discover that other disorders can bring on some blood disorders and are curable once you treat or cure the underlying problem. REFERENCES webmd. com dr. koop. com mayoclinic. com How to cite Assignment: Blood Disorders, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Best Things to Do in Bangkok free essay sample
Best things to do in Bangkok Let’s be honest here, any of you love travelling overseas but worry about the high money expenditure? And to add salt into the wound, we’re not working, many of us are still relying on our parents’ pocket for money. However, don’t be disappointed because our country’s neighbor up north is a cheap alternative for a fun, memorable travel destination. Thailand is a land where people speak in high notes and tom yam is a word synonymous with the term, everyday food. Before, Bangkok started out as a small trading centre and a port some 200 years ago. Today, with the influx of modern technology mixed with the beauty of its illustrious past, there are a mass variety of things to do In Bangkok. Be it eating in neon lighted side restaurant, visiting dazzling temple, artfully sculpted palaces to floating market, and shopping in fancy shopping malls, each has an intriguing story to tell. If you love the distinctive flavor of coconut, chilli, lemon grass, lime and spices, eat all you can while in Bangkok. From mango rice, tom yam noodles to Thai Hakka noodles and sharks fin soup, it caters to any taste buds. Mango rice is basically glutinous rice mixed with condensed milk and sweet mango. While it may seem simple to prepare, the Thais take it to another level. Next, Thai tom yam has always been very tasty with a good balance of sourness and saltiness with a pinch of sweet taste but if you can’t take spicy things, this will not appeal to you as it is also mightily spicy. Just eating a bowl of tom yam noodles sent tears spewing from my eyes but it kept me wanting more. Bangkok is also famous for fried creepy crawlies. Cockroaches, grasshoppers, crickets and worms are fried in boiling hot oil and mixed with black pepper plus a bit of MSG for extra taste. Many find them to taste like normal snacks but I didn’t have the guts to try it. Just looking at it was scary. Now that you know food is a must try in Bangkok, let’s look into the sight-seeing part. If you’ve a taste for historic temples, Wat Arun situated at the side of the Chao Phraya River is one of the many temples present and preserved in Bangkok is one you should not miss. What sets this apart from the rest is that King Taksin found shelter in this particular temple during a fight with the Burmese army. During his reign, he later renamed it Wat Cheang which means Temple of Dawn and was one of the chief temples that enshrined rare Buddha sculptures. Taking pictures with the beautiful architecture and craftsmanship is one moment that will leave a lasting memory about Bangkok. Tip, during your short trip there, side stalls renting historic clothes of the beautiful Siam servants can be worn to spice up your time there. No visit to Bangkok would be complete without an introduction to the floating market. Everything is done on boats like selling, buying and eating. The market gets up early so must you If you want to share in this uniquely Thai experience. While it may seem like a shock to some, there is also a condom restaurant called Cabbage amp; Condoms. The name may bring a lot of controversy but this particular restaurant was actually opened by the ministry of Thailand to increase awareness about family planning and safe sex. Though this restaurant carries a good cause, the unique atmosphere and good food makes the place a must go when one visits Bangkok. Well, that’s all for interesting places to visit. And here comes my favourite part, shopping. Bangkok can also be classified as a shopping haven and it has more than enough shopping malls to suit every lifestyle. For students like you and I, places like Platinum Mall, MBK and Chatuchak Market are enough to make you literally shop till you drop. MBK is a mega mall that houses about 2,000 shops and sells things that range from clothing, accessories, bags to furniture, electronic products and stationery items. Naraya, a famous fashion line for women created in-house in Thailand has their shop open in MBK. If money isn’t a primary concern, do drop by at Naraya for a visit as you would not be disappointed. I wasn’t. Platinum Mall should appeal to many as it is a mall that has thousands of wholesalers operating inside. Like MBK, Platinum Mall sells almost everything and most importantly has clothes that is priced half as much as you see in Malaysia. Chatuchak Market is alike Platinum Mall except for the fact that it is open air. Here is a fun fact about this market that would make you go wow. Can you imagine a sum of 40 football fields is actually equal to a Chatuchak Market? That’s why finding a particular shop in the market is like finding needle in a haystack. Young businessmen always try their luck to sell their own manufactured items, Thai snacks can be found abundant and special shaved coconut drink with coconut ice-cream are sold in Chatuchak Market. Trust me, it is mouth-watering. As shopping takes up a lot of leg strength, one can unwind through Thai massages. Bangkok’s spas are your inner-city gateways to seventh heaven. But before you go finding one, be sure to find reputable and pay a little extra because you don’t know what happens behind the scenes. Quality filled spas offer serene atmospheres and highly trained masseuse that will definitely take the tiredness away from you. If you’re on a budget and would like to travel, I highly recommend Bangkok. Especially if you’re game for an adventure, Bangkok offers an exotic culture with the hustle and bustle of the city and it is definitely one city that offers countless amounts of activities. Just listening to the guide will not justify the fun these activities bring when experienced in real life. As quoted by Isadora Duncan, â€Å"What one has not experienced, one will not understand in print. †, so experience all these first hand as you won’t regret. Kap pun kahp.
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